利用規約 Terms of Use

  1. 利用規約
    1. 第1条 定義
    2. 第2条 本施設の利用
    3. 第3条 利用登録
    4. 第4条 予約システム
    5. 第5条 利用料金
    6. 第6条 イベント等の開催
    7. 第7条 利用登録の解約
    8. 第8条 利用登録の失効
    9. 第9条 禁止事項等
    10. 第10条 利用者の責任等
    11. 第11条 本規約違反行為等に対する措置
    12. 第12条 本施設の停止、変更、終了
    13. 第13条 本運営提供サービスに関連する知的財産権
    14. 第14条 免責事項
    15. 第15条 損害賠償
    16. 第16条 個人情報の取扱い
    17. 第17条 本運営からの通知
    18. 第18条 本規約の変更
    19. 第19条 反社会的勢力の排除
    20. 第20条 権利義務の譲渡禁止
    21. 第21条 分離可能性
    22. 第22条 準拠法、裁判所
  2. Terms of Use
    1. Article 1: Definitions
    2. Article 2: Use of This Facility
    3. Article 3: Registration
    4. Article 4: Reservation System
    5. Article 5: Usage Fees
    6. Article 6: Holding of Events, etc.
    7. Article 7: Cancellation of User Registration
    8. Article 8: Expiration of User Registration
    9. Article 9: Prohibited Matters, etc.
    10. Article 10: User Responsibilities, etc.
    11. Article 11: Measures against Violations of the Terms of Use
    12. Article 12: Suspension, Modification, Termination of This Facility
    13. Article 13 Intellectual Property Rights Related to the Services Provided by the Management
    14. Article 14: Disclaimer
    15. Article 15: Compensation for Damages
    16. Article 16: Handling of Personal Information
    17. Article 17: Notification from the Management
    18. Article 18: Changes to the Terms of Use
    19. Article 19: Elimination of Antisocial Forces
    20. Article 20: Prohibition on Assignment of Rights and Obligations
    21. Article 21: Separability
    22. Article 22: Governing Law, Court of Jurisdiction



第1条 定義



第2条 本施設の利用


第3条 利用登録



第4条 予約システム
4.利用者は本施設の利用可能時間内で予約した時間に限り、本施設を利用することができます。予約した時間外は本施設を利用することはできません。 予約は30分単位で行い、本施設に設定された1日の最大時間にて、利用希望日の25日前からできます。

第4条 予約システム

4.利用者は本施設の利用可能時間内で予約した時間に限り、本施設を利用することができます。予約した時間外は本施設を利用することはできません。 予約は30分単位で行い、本施設に設定された1日の最大時間にて、利用希望日の25日前からできます。

第5条 利用料金


第6条 イベント等の開催


第7条 利用登録の解約


第8条 利用登録の失効


第9条 禁止事項等


第10条 利用者の責任等


第11条 本規約違反行為等に対する措置


第12条 本施設の停止、変更、終了


第13条 本運営提供サービスに関連する知的財産権


第14条 免責事項


第15条 損害賠償


第16条 個人情報の取扱い


第17条 本運営からの通知


第18条 本規約の変更


第19条 反社会的勢力の排除


第20条 権利義務の譲渡禁止


第21条 分離可能性


第22条 準拠法、裁判所


Terms of Use

Human-i Co.,Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “Management”) has established the “Shinjuku Gyoen Coworking Space Terms of Use” (hereafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) and provides the “Shinjuku Gyoen Coworking Space” (hereafter referred to as “this Facility”) and the “Shinjuku Gyoen Coworking Space Reservation System” (hereafter referred to as “Reservation System”) in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Article 1: Definitions

In these Terms of Use, unless otherwise defined, the definitions of terms are as follows.

(1) “Shinjuku Gyoen Coworking Space” refers to the work rooms and meeting rooms that can be used by registered users who have made a reservation.
(2) “Reservation System” refers to the system that allows users to make online reservations in advance to secure this Facility when using it.
(3) “User” refers to an individual who has registered to use the Reservation System and has reserved and used this Facility in accordance with the prescribed procedures within the Reservation System.
(4) “User Information” refers to all information entered by the User on the prescribed pages of the Reservation System or provided to the Reservation System for the purpose of using this Facility.
(5) “Available Time” refers to the time period during which the User can use this Facility.
(6) “Management-distributed information” refers to text, images such as illustrations and photographs, and videos, etc. that the Management distributes to users. The copyright for Management-distributed information belongs to the Management.
(7) “Personal information” refers to personally identifiable information as defined in the privacy policy for this Facility.

Article 2: Use of This Facility

1. This Facility is a space that is used jointly with other users, and while respecting other users, we will strive to ensure that users can use this Facility in a comfortable environment, and you are required to comply with the Terms of Use.
2. Users of junior high school age and above can reserve and use this Facility.
3. Please check the information on the official website of this Facility for the schedule of days when this Facility is closed and the hours when it is available for use. Please note that the schedule of days when the Facility is closed and the hours when it is open may change without prior notice.
4. Wi-Fi is available in this Facility.
5. Please return desks, chairs, etc. to their original positions after use.
6. Please take care not to damage the Facility or its fixtures when using it.
7. Please check the URL of the official website of this Facility for information about the equipment in this Facility.
8. Security cameras are in operation at the entrances and exits of this Facility. Management may also install security cameras as necessary.
9. Users are expected to use this Facility with the care of a good manager. Use may be refused depending on the purpose and method of use. Please use this Facility in accordance with the Terms of Use posted on the official website of this Facility and at the site. These rules may be changed without prior notice.
10. This Facility may only be used by the user themselves. No other person (including acquaintances, family members, or other users) may use it.
11. Regardless of whether or not the Management is responsible, if the user is unable to use this Facility as they wish, the Management will not be able to refund or return the usage fee.

Article 3: Registration

1. In order to use this Facility, you must first complete all of the following requirements, and then register for use by following the prescribed procedures set out by the Management via the Reservation System. Those registering for use must guarantee that the user information is accurate and true, and take responsibility for that user information themselves.
(1) You must agree to and accept the Terms of Use.
(2) You must not use this Facility for any unjust or illegal purpose, and you must not register to use this Facility.
(3) You must be at least a junior high school student.
(4) You must not have belonged to any anti-social groups such as organized crime groups within the past five years, and you must not have any relationship with such groups.
2. Those registering to use the facility must agree in advance that the Management may not accept their application to use this Facility. In this case, the Management is not obliged to explain the reasons for its refusal.

Article 4: Reservation System

1. Those who have registered for use of this Facility may use it by making a reservation in advance through the Reservation System. (https://coubic.com/shinjukugcs
2. Depending on the usage situation of this Facility, it may not be possible to make a reservation in advance for the desired date and time.
3. The Reservation System is for the Management to grasp and manage the number of users so that it does not exceed the maximum number of people that this Facility can accept, and it is not possible to specify a specific seat when making a reservation.
4. Users may only use this Facility during the time period reserved within the available hours of this Facility. This Facility cannot be used outside of the reserved time period. Reservations are made in 30-minute units, and can be made from 25 days in advance of the desired date of use, up to the maximum daily time period set for this Facility.
5. If you do not cancel your reservation through the Reservation System before the start time of your reserved use, you will be charged for the full reserved time, regardless of whether you use the room or not. If you fail to check in or check out at the reception desk at the reserved time, you will be charged for the full reserved time, regardless of whether you use the room or not. You can cancel your reservation up to one day before the reserved time.
6. Management accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred through the use of this Facility or the Reservation System.

Article 5: Usage Fees

1. In principle, the use of seats, fixtures, private booths, etc. in this Facility is available for a fee.
2. Products sold in the designated spaces in this Facility can be purchased at the user’s discretion.

Article 6: Holding of Events, etc.

1. When the Management holds events, seminars, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Events, etc.”) in all or part of this Facility or in spaces designated by the Management, the Management may temporarily restrict the use of this Facility by Users for the purpose of preparing for or holding Events, etc., and Users shall accept this without objection.
2. The Management will notify users of the schedule for events, etc. on the official website of this Facility in advance.
3. When the Management is holding an event, etc., the event may be posted on the Management’s social networking service (SNS). Users of this Facility who are participating in the event shall consent to this.
4. The User agrees that events, etc. shall be held at this Facility without the prior permission of the Management.

Article 7: Cancellation of User Registration

The User may cancel their User Registration via the Reservation System (the reason for cancellation of User Registration is not required).

Article 8: Expiration of User Registration

1. If any of the following events occur to a User, the User’s User Registration shall expire. In this case, the User will no longer be able to use all or part of this Facility.
(1) If the User violates any of the Terms of Use, or if Management determines that there is a risk of this occurring
(2) If the Management determines that there is a risk of damage to the Management, the User or a third party
(3) If the relationship of trust between the User and the Management is lost, or if the Management determines that the User’s use of this Facility is inappropriate
(4) If the Management determines that the User is repeatedly causing trouble or making offensive comments or actions to other Users or third parties, or is being malicious
(5) If the Management has provided guidance and advice on how to use the Facility and requested that improvements be made, but the Management deems that no improvements have been made
(6) Even if the User incurs any damage as a result of the Management restricting the use of all or part of this Facility, suspending the use of this Facility, or taking measures such as revoking the registration of use, the Management shall not be held liable for any such damage.

Article 9: Prohibited Matters, etc.

1. The Management prohibits the following actions in relation to or at this Facility when using this Facility by users.
(1) Actions to use this Facility without going through the Reservation System
(2) Actions to use this Facility on a date or time that differs from the reserved date or time
(3) Actions to allow persons other than users into this Facility
(4) Actions to enter a place that is off-limits
(5) Smoking
(6) Drinking alcohol, becoming intoxicated through drinking alcohol, or causing a nuisance to other users
(7) Using or bringing in fire or dangerous materials (such as gunpowder, explosive substances, or anything else that the Management deems dangerous) at this Facility
(8) Taking a nap in a lying position, or staying overnight or living at this Facility
(9) Causing noise, vibration, or odors that are a nuisance to other users
(10) Taking up space for a long time by placing personal belongings on desks, chairs, etc. in the space of this Facility (e.g. by reserving a space)
(11) Acts that solicit, induce or encourage compensated dating, prostitution, or procuring, or acts that use ambiguous expressions, including slang, to solicit, induce or encourage such acts, or acts that are equivalent to such acts
(12) Acts with the aim of meeting or dating, or acts similar to these
(13) Acts of gambling
(14) Acts of eavesdropping or voyeurism
(15) Acts of bringing animals (except when it is necessary to accompany a service dog for the physically disabled)
(16) Infringing or threatening to infringe the copyrights, trademarks, patents, utility models, privacy rights, portrait rights, publicity rights or other rights of other users, the Management or third parties
(17) Defaming, slandering or otherwise harming the reputation or credibility of other users, the Management or third parties
(18) Acts that encourage, induce or promote suicide, mass suicide, self-injury, the use of illegal drugs or the use of drugs that circumvent the law, or acts that are similar to these
(19) Acts of expression related to ethnicity, religion, race, gender, age, etc. that lead to discrimination, or acts that are similar to these
(20) Buying and selling of user registration, or other similar acts or acts that are similar to these
(21) Acts with the aim of advertising, promoting or inducing the use of one’s own or a third party’s products or services, or acts similar to these, without obtaining the permission of the Management
(22) Acts of conducting business that fall under network marketing, pyramid schemes, or multi-level marketing
(23) Acts that cause disadvantage or damage to other users, the Management, or third parties
(24) Acts that violate public order and morals or other laws and regulations, or acts that lead to crime, as well as acts that solicit, assist, coerce, or encourage such acts, or acts that are equivalent to these
(25) Acts that reprint or quote information obtained from this Facility or publish it in other media, etc., without the prior consent of the Management, or acts that are equivalent to these
(26) Acts of providing benefits or favors to antisocial forces
(27) Acts of using this Facility for the purpose of collecting information on other users or for the purpose of soliciting them for religious or political activities, or acts equivalent to these
(28) Acts of disseminating information that is contrary to fact to other users, or acts equivalent to these
(29) Acts of obstructing the use of this Facility by other users
(30) Using this Facility by pretending to be another user or a third party
(31) Infringing or threatening to infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of the Management Distribution Information, including but not limited to the rights of copyright and trademark (including but not limited to the acts of copying, modifying, publicly transmitting, making transmittable, uploading, renting, screening, or broadcasting the Management Distribution Information)
(32) Acts that circumvent the technical protection measures applied to the Management Distribution Information
(33) Acts that provide personal information obtained through this Facility to a third party without the consent of the individual concerned
(34) Acts that tamper with or delete information provided by this Facility
(35) Actions that place an excessive burden on the servers of this Facility
(36) Actions that reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble this Facility or the software used on this Facility
(37) Actions that use or provide harmful programs such as computer viruses, or actions that recommend these actions
(38) Attempting to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems or networks connected to this Facility
(39) Using this Facility or its associated functions for commercial purposes outside of this Facility
(40) Violating public order and morals (including acts that transmit or display information that may encourage or induce violence, or acts that solicit suicide partners, etc.)
(41) Interfering with the exchange or sharing of information led by other users or third parties, interfering with the operation of this Facility, or any other action that may cause disadvantage or inconvenience to the Management
(42) Actions that conflict with laws or the Terms of Use
(43) Actions that interfere with the services operated by the Management, in addition to this Facility
(44) Actions that encourage or are suspected of encouraging the actions stipulated in the preceding items
(45) Any other action deemed inappropriate by the Management
2. The Management shall have the discretion to determine whether or not any of the prohibited actions listed in the preceding paragraph apply.
3. If it becomes necessary to investigate whether or not any of the prohibited actions apply, the User must cooperate with the necessary investigation in accordance with the instructions of the Management.

Article 10: User Responsibilities, etc.

1. If any problems arise between users of this Facility, they shall be resolved at the expense and responsibility of each user, and shall not cause any trouble or responsibility for the Management.
2. Users shall manage their own belongings, valuables, electronic data, etc. at their own responsibility. The Management shall not be held responsible for any theft or loss of such items.
3. If the Management deems that personal belongings left unattended for a long period of time (hereafter referred to as “abandoned items”) are causing a nuisance to other users, the Management will move the abandoned items to another location and store them there for 7 days, including the day they were found abandoned, after which they will be disposed of. If the abandoned items are food, drink, magazines, etc., the Management will dispose of them immediately.
4. If any of the buildings, facilities, or equipment of this Facility are damaged, broken, or lost, please contact the Management immediately. If the damage is caused intentionally or through negligence on the part of the user or a third party, the user or the third party in question will be responsible for the cost of repairs, etc.
5. Users are responsible for managing the information they hold. The Management accepts no responsibility for any damage incurred by users due to information leaks, data loss or other reasons caused by third parties.
6. The name of this Facility may be changed without notice. The Management accepts no responsibility for any damage incurred by users or third parties as a result of this.

Article 11: Measures against Violations of the Terms of Use

In order to properly operate this Facility, the Management may take necessary measures such as suspending use or invalidating user registration without prior notice to the user in the event that the user falls under any of the following items.
(1) If the user violates the law or the Terms of Use
(2) If the user violates the Terms of Use, or if the Management determines that there is a risk of this occurring
(3) If the Management determines that there is a risk of damage to the Management, the user or a third party
(4) If the relationship of trust between the user and the Management is lost, or if the Management determines that the user’s use of this Facility is inappropriate

Article 12: Suspension, Modification, Termination of This Facility

1. The Management may suspend the provision of all or part of This Facility at any time if any of the following applies.
(1) When performing inspection or maintenance work on the system related to This Facility
(2) When a natural disaster or other emergency situation occurs, such as an earthquake, lightning strike, fire, wind or water damage, or power outage
(3) In the event that the system, communication lines, etc. stop working
(4) In other cases where Management deems it necessary to suspend this Facility
2. The Management may change the content of this Facility or terminate the provision of this Facility for reasons related to the Management. In the event that the Management suspends, changes or terminates this Facility (hereinafter referred to as “Suspension, etc.”), the Management will endeavor to notify users in advance to the greatest extent possible, but please understand that in some cases, such as in the event of an emergency, it may not be possible to provide advance notice.
3. The Management shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users due to Suspension, etc. of this Facility for any reason whatsoever.

Article 13 Intellectual Property Rights Related to the Services Provided by the Management

1. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, related to images, text, programs, etc. created and provided by the Management at this Facility belong to the Management.
2. All images, text, programs, etc. created, provided, and posted by the Management at this Facility are protected by copyright law, trademark law, and other laws.

Article 14: Disclaimer

1. The Management makes no guarantees whatsoever regarding the following matters. Users shall use their own judgment and be responsible for the usefulness of the information provided by this Facility.
(1) The usefulness, suitability, completeness, accuracy, reliability, safety, legality, morality and recency of all information provided by this Facility, including the content of the information distributed by the Management (including information provided by this Facility and all information contained in links managed or operated by third parties displayed on this Facility. The same applies hereinafter in this paragraph).
(2) All matters relating to communication between users
(3) That there will be no problems, errors or malfunctions with the provision of this Facility
(4) That this Facility will continue to exist or maintain its identity
(5) That the Management Distribution Information on this Facility will not infringe on the rights of third parties
2. If a dispute arises between users, the parties concerned shall resolve it between themselves and shall not cause damage to the Management.
3. If the user incurs damage as a result of the Management’s default on its obligations or illegal act in relation to the user’s use of this Facility, the Management shall be liable for damages up to the amount of the user’s usage fees for this Facility incurred in the month in which the default or illegal act occurred. However, this shall not apply if the Management is not guilty of intent or gross negligence.
4. The Management will not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users as a result of using this Facility, including but not limited to any disadvantages incurred due to system malfunctions, failures, interruptions, data loss, or leaks.
5. If a user causes any disadvantage or damage to another user or a third party as a result of using this Facility, the user shall be responsible for compensating for this at their own expense. The Management accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by users or third parties. 6. If personal information or other such data is included in messages exchanged on this Facility or in files sent or received, the Management accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by users as a result.

Article 15: Compensation for Damages

If the Management incurs direct or indirect damages as a result of the actions of a user (including complaints and disputes arising from the actions of the user), the Management may claim compensation for the full amount of the damages (including legal fees paid by the Management) from the user.

Article 16: Handling of Personal Information

1. The Management shall handle any personal information provided to the Management by Users when using this Facility in accordance with the provisions of the Management’s “Privacy Policy”.
2. The Management may use personal information for the purpose of providing this Facility.
3. Users agree that the Management may provide personal information to third parties within the scope necessary for the purposes specified in the preceding paragraph.
4. If a user provides their personal information directly to another user without going through the Management, the Management will not be involved in any disputes that may arise as a result, and will not be held responsible to the user in any way.

Article 17: Notification from the Management

1. The Management will contact or notify users of matters requiring their attention via the email address they registered when registering to use this Facility, or via other means (such as information the Management can obtain from the user’s registration information).
2. If a user’s email address changes, they must immediately change it via the Reservation System.
3. Even if the user incurs any damage due to their failure to follow the change procedure stipulated in the previous section, the Management shall not be held responsible in any way.

Article 18: Changes to the Terms of Use

1. The Management may change the Terms of Use at its discretion without obtaining individual consent from each user in the following cases.
(1) When the change to the Terms of Use is in the general interest of users
(2) The changes to the Terms of Use do not contradict the purpose of the contract, and are reasonable in light of the necessity of the changes, the appropriateness of the content after the changes, and other circumstances related to the changes.
2. When the Terms of Use are changed, the Management will notify users in advance of the effective date of the revised Terms of Use and the details of the changes, either by posting a notice on the official website of this Facility or sending an email, or by other means that the Management deems appropriate.
3. If a user uses the official website of this Facility after the effective date of the revised Terms of Use, it will be deemed that the user has agreed to the changes to the Terms of Use.
4. The Management will not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users due to changes to the Terms of Use.

Article 19: Elimination of Antisocial Forces

1. The Management and the User shall represent to the other party that, at the time of the commencement of use of this Facility by the User, neither the Management nor its directors, executive officers, executive officers, or other important employees who are substantially involved in the management of the Management, nor any person who has substantial management rights, falls under the category of antisocial forces, and shall guarantee that this will remain the case for the duration of the User’s use of this Facility.
2. The Management and the User guarantee to the other party that they will not engage in any of the following acts in relation to the use of this Facility, either by themselves or through a third party.
(1) Acts of violent demand
(2) Acts of unreasonable demand that exceed legal liability
(3) Acts of making threatening remarks or using violence
(4) Acts that damage the trust of other users or interfere with the business of other users by spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or force
(5) Other acts similar to those listed above

Article 20: Prohibition on Assignment of Rights and Obligations

The User agrees that they may not assign, lend, transfer, create a security interest in, or otherwise dispose of all or part of their contractual status or the rights and obligations arising from this, under any contract based on the Terms of Use, to a third party without the prior consent of the Management.

Article 21: Separability

If any provision of the Terms of Use is deemed to be contrary to any applicable laws and regulations governing the agreement between the Operator and the User based on the Terms of Use, then to the extent of such contradiction, such provision shall not apply to the agreement between the Operator and the User. However, even in this case, the validity of the other provisions of the Terms of Use shall not be affected.

Article 22: Governing Law, Court of Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Management and the User hereby agree that any dispute arising between the Management and the User in relation to these Terms of Use shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
